5 Things I've Learnt As A Leader
As a woman who has donned many work avatars- an employee, an entrepreneur, a co-founder, a senior leader, a manager of a large team, an independent consultant and a solopreneur - here are 5 things I’ve learnt:
1. Define your own career trajectory. Do what’s right for you. Don’t be held hostage to anyone else’s ambition that doesn’t meet with yours. Be prepared to make your own decisions.
2. Be bold and assertive in every role. Establish professional boundaries early. Ask for what you believe you deserve - whether it’s a salary, a fee, a role or a promotion. Don’t self-negotiate yourself down.
3. Bring value to the table and make designations irrelevant. You are more than what’s on your business card. Carry the same confidence when you have no designation and no team because what matters is what’s in your head.
4. Take risks where needed. Women tend to be more risk averse (that’s what I see in my circle). Believe in yourself, especially when going it alone. Be prepared to fail but learn from it and get better.
5. Make your own seat at the table. Don’t wait to be asked. You will only be heard if you pull your weight every single time. Find your own way to not be talked over or to not be the default note taker and refreshment organiser.
If you reach a ceiling, find an open sky.